Direct Requst of METS Data
SkillsCommons allows for a direct request of METS data. Here is an example call and response for a welding course. Note the use of the identifier (82) from the OAI data:
Original submission:
Identifier oai: Last Modified2015-06-08 13:48:02
METS Request:
METS Response (Partial):
<mets:METS xmlns:mets=”” xmlns:xlink=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:dim=”” OBJEDIT=”/admin/item?itemID=126″ OBJID=”/handle/taaccct/82″ PROFILE=”DSPACE METS SIP Profile 1.0″ LABEL=”DSpace Item” ID=”hdl:taaccct/82″>
<mets:dmdSec GROUPID=”group_dmd_0″ ID=”dmd_1″>
<dim:dim dspaceType=”ITEM”>
<dim:field element=”contributor” qualifier=”author” language=”” mdschema=”dc”>Dowell, Kevin</dim:field>
<dim:field element=”date” qualifier=”accessioned” language=”” mdschema=”dc”>2014-07-16T15:59:36Z</dim:field>
<dim:field element=”date” qualifier=”available” language=”” mdschema=”dc”>2014-07-16T15:59:36Z</dim:field>
<dim:field element=”date” qualifier=”issued” language=”” mdschema=”dc”>2014-07</dim:field>
<dim:field element=”identifier” qualifier=”uri” language=”” mdschema=”dc”></dim:field>
<dim:field element=”description” qualifier=”abstract” language=”en_US” mdschema=”dc”>
WEL101–Allied Cutting Process covers setting up equipment and performing cutting and gouging operations utilizing the oxyacetylene, air carbon arc, exothermic, and plasma arc cutting processes. This course will also provide an introduction to blueprint reading.
Accessing Submitted Files
Included in the METS data may be a reference to a submitted file. Typically, submissions to SkillsCommons, which included required and optional metadata, also include one or more files such as a document or course archive. A METS record element referencing such a file looks like this:
<mets:file CHECKSUMTYPE=”MD5″ GROUPID=”group_file_439″ ID=”file_439″ MIMETYPE=”text/plain” SIZE=”10719″ CHECKSUM=”bb868bdf883a0183622e13e2a4318603″>
<mets:FLocat LOCTYPE=”URL” xlink:title=”Shop Safety Practices PPE.pptx.txt” xlink:label=”Extracted text” xlink:type=”locator” xlink:href=”/bitstream/handle/taaccct/82/Shop%20Safety%20Practices%20PPE.pptx.txt?sequence=10&isAllowed=y”/>
Access to the file itself can be obtained by prepending to the href, thus: /bitstream/handle/taaccct/82/WEL%20101%20Course%20competencies.docx?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
In this case, the file “WEL 101 Course competencies.docx” would be downloaded to your browser or client application.