Keyword Search

Direct Search Based on Keyword

When content is added to the SkillsCommons repository, any submitted files come along with a lot of information (metadata) about the content. SkillsCommons allows you to search for any content that matches a topic / subject / keyword.  What you will get in response is a list of items that may be of interest.  Use this method when you want to find all the available content by topic and want to view more information about the item or download it.

Search Request:

SkillsCommons supports a direct search, based on a keyword. For example, find all the records related to welding, thus:

Search Response:

<option returnValue=”taaccct/1355″>
Accelerated Career and Education Pathway Program (ACEPP)
<option returnValue=”taaccct/403″>
Accelerated Career Pathways: From Hawaii to the Texas Panhandle
<option returnValue=”taaccct/5875″>Accelerated Pathways in Advanced Manufacturing</option>
<option returnValue=”taaccct/405″>
Accelerating Advanced Manufacturing and Global Logistics Careers Partnership (AAMGLP)
<option returnValue=”taaccct/1358″>
Accelerating Wireless Education For Capitol and Crater Regions (AWE4CCR)
<option returnValue=”taaccct/3483″>Accessibility Evaluation Community</option>
<option returnValue=”taaccct/132″>
Accessible Support Services and Instruction for Sustainable Transition to Work (ASSIST)
<option returnValue=”taaccct/409″>
Adapting and Adopting Competency-based IT Instruction to Accelerate Learning for TAA-eligible and Adult Learners
<option returnValue=”taaccct/3680″>
AdminTech Academy, Community College of the District of Columbia (CCDC)

The response can be extensive, some elements containing metadata of various kinds.