Manufacturing – Industry Browse

There are many grant projects in the Manufacturing Industry contributing to the SkillsCommons Repository. You can browse by Industry by following the instructions provided below. In the right-hand column of this page, you will find a list of grant projects that are currently contributing to SkillsCommons in this industry.

Video: Manufacturing Industry Browse

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How to Browse by Industry

To browse and find materials in the Manufacturing Industry click on the “Browse” menu item at the top of the page and select the “Industry” dropdown menu item.

Browse by Industry graphic

Using the accordion feature you can expand and contract the various industry titles. Here we have highlighted the Manufacturing Industry example.

Browse by Manufacturing

The graphic below highlights a few grant projects and how their contributions fall within the Manufacturing Industry sector.

TAACCCT Manufacturing Grant Projects


Manufacturing Industry Grant Projects



Air Washington



Manufacturing in SkillsCommons

Manufacturing Materials


Additional Resources

Manufacturing Tree Flyer  Download Word Document Download PDF Document

Manufacturing Webinar (9/30/15)